Husby Forest Products
Husby Forest Products
History of Husby Forest Products
About Us

The History of Husby

Key Events in Husby's History

  • 1970
  • Husby commences operations
  • 1985
  • First QC forest licence
  • 1994
  • Acquisition in mid 90’s of Select Steel
  • 1995
  • Forex commences operations. Forex was formed to provide specialized marketing services to Husby Forest Products and strategic partners.
  • 1988
  • Peregrine Lodge commences operations
  • 1997
  • Custom cutting program started - Custom cut program produces 60 – 90 million bf/year.
  • 2000
  • J&G Logworks commences operations. J&G was formed to further value-add Husby Forest Product's position in global custom-cut markets.
  • 2003
  • The Forest Company commences operations. The Forest Company is formed to provide better financial margins for their customer.

Dave Husby started the key service of a Queen Charlotte Island company, Husby Trucking, during the 1970’s, subcontracting to local road builders on the islands. Husby Allison Trucking was subsequently incorporated to handle log hauling, log loading, and additional gravel hauling contracts. As the business flourished, full-phase road construction followed. During the mid 80’s, pinnacle acquisitions ensued - the purchase of the two largest Forest Licences on the Queen Charlotte Islands. The company was renamed Husby Forest Products Ltd. to more accurately reflect its expanded business operations.

The transition from a transportation to a forest products harvesting business dramatically changed the company focus. In response to the unique demands of timber harvesting in the environmentally sensitive Queen Charlotte Islands, heli-logging became an essential component for most major forest company operations. Husby, a pioneer of heli-logging, became an active partner in the largest heli-logging operation in Canada.

During the late 1980’s, Husby Forest Products purchased two more Forest Licences to become the largest operator on the Queen Charlotte Islands holding greater than 75% of the allowable cut on the Timber Supply Area.

To date, the Husby Group has diversified its holdings with the inclusion of Select Steel, Tecfor Resources, Forex Log & Lumber, J & G Logworks, Peregrine Lodge, The Forest Company, and numerous joint ventures with First Nations bands.

Coastal British Columbia Forest Produts Map
Providing global customers with British Columbia coastal forest products for over 30 years

6425 River Road
Delta, British Columbia
Canada V4K 5B9

Telephone: 604 940 1234
Facsimile: 604 940 1236