Husby Forest Products
Husby Forest Products
British Columbia Coastal Forestry
Alliance / Partners

Diversification of Strategies

Husby’s alliances and partnerships share in mutual successes by utilizing their specialized core strengths. Each company remains focussed on their expertise while simultaneously understanding their alliances and partners skill set.

The Husby Group’s Full-Service Partners:

Strategic Planning, Operational Planning, Forestry Engineering, GIS, Stewardship,
and Environmental Monitoring
via Tecfor Resources

J & G Log Works
Custom-cut dimension lumber
via J & G Log Works

Forex Log
Log marketing via Forex Log

Heavy Equipment Repair and
Custom Steel Fabrication via
Select Steel

Peregrine Lodge
Sport fishing at Peregrine Lodge

The Husby Group’s Alliances:

Map of British Columbia Coastal Forest Products Operations

6425 River Road
Delta, British Columbia
Canada V4K 5B9

Telephone: 604 940 1234
Facsimile: 604 940 1236